12 September 2010

Princess Parrots (Polytelis alexandrae)

Sexing - The male generally has a longer tail and a more blue underside. The male displays for the female by swinging his head around.

Noise - This quite little bird in the pet shop can be very loud when it wants too but as all my medium sized parrots when first introduced into the aviary they seemed very loud and later settled down once they were used to the environment. I'm hoping this will be the same with my Princess Parrots.

General Care - I chose the Princess Parrot due to its gentle nature and thus being able to be housed with my smaller grass parrots. I like the idea of a mixed aviary with different species of parrot, I was tossing up between the Princess Parrot and the Kakariki. Neither my ringnecks or conures seem to like grass at all but the Princess parrots definitely like it.

Breeding - Only having just acquired the Princess parrots, I will wait until they are little more familiar to aviary before putting in a box.

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