17 December 2012

Green Cheeked Conures - First Chicks Out

I was surprised yesterday to find my first two Green Cheeked Conure chicks out of the box. I thought they were going to be latter than last years but they are actually early according to my blog (this blog is a great record keeping tool). *One of the chicks didn't find its way back into the box last night and due to the coolish change I decided to help into the box.

* Most Conures tend to sleep in there breeding box.

13 December 2012

Green Cheeked Conure Chicks - Leg Banding

I have banded the legs of all my Green Cheeked Conure chicks to help avoid the confusion of last year on not being sure which were the parents and which were the chicks.

Unfortunately the mother hasn't allowed me the same access as last year and the chicks aren't used to being handled and I got a few bites putting the leg bands on.

Blue (Right), Albino (Center), Turquoise (Right)