01 May 2013

Soaked Seed

A while back a purchased a male Scarlet Chested Parrot from a breeder who had some strong opinions about breeding birds and he mentioned the benefits of soaked seed.

I then found some documentation online but it seemed mostly to do with finches but I have since also found a lot about parrots as well.

I have put it on my to do list but until now I haven't given it a go. It is fairly simple it is basically washing, then soaking, then draining and waiting for the seed to sprout. I have used my normal seed mixture and from what I have read you are to make sure there is no bad or mouldy odour.

This offers a lot of nutritional value for the bird and simulates what they would forage for in the wild.

I have included a YouTube video that explains the process.

There was positive response by all my birds to the soaked seed and there was very little if any left in there cages this morning. It is definitely something that I'll do more often from now on.  

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