26 October 2012

First Green Cheek Conure Chick of the Season

I was beginning to wonder when my Green Cheek Conure eggs would hatch but I discovered the first chick of five eggs this morning. Hopefully I will at least match last years four chicks.

24 October 2012

Colour Mutation

It look as if my "Lutino" Indian Ringneck Chick is another mutation all together. Maybe Creamino or a Lacewing, not 100% but time will tell but it is still a surprising mutation from its parents (Albino & Turquoise).

18 October 2012

Bourke Parrot - Abandoned eggs

I now fairly certain that the Bourke female has abandoned her eggs, last week after a thunderstorm she was out of the box and I have not seen her back in it to date. My father has always told me that thunder can kill eggs, there is a definite coincidence here but I'm not 100% on how true it is.

My Indian Ringnecked chicks are feathering well and seem very healthy.

15 October 2012

Lutino Indian Ringneck

My youngest Indian Ringneck chick which a thought to be Albino turns out is actually Lutino or yellow. I noticed a few days ago it appeared an off white compared to the Albino one but now it definitely has yellow feathers. One of my pair must have a spilt, this very unexpected. 

09 October 2012

IRN Chick Colours

I'm fairly certain that the darker chick will be blue and the other two are definitely Albino. They have not been appreciating my nest inspection over the past couple of days with the cooler weather.  

Mmmm definitely Albino, correction (see my later posts)

04 October 2012

Not Hand Rearing

My wife has decided against hand rearing the Indian Ringneck chicks after talking to her friend which had a bad experience (one out three chicks survived). I will shelve this idea until someone can provide me good guidance on the subject.